ADHD Success Navigator

empowering minds, transforming lives

So they can navigate life's journey with focus and confidence, turning their dreams into reality.

Many Individuals Struggle to Harness Their ADHD Because…

  • They lack the confidence to leverage their unique skills

  • They feel overwhelmed by their symptoms and challenges

  • They are navigating their path alone

  • They struggle to differentiate their strengths in a world that emphasizes weaknesses

  • They don’t use a proven system to manage and maximize their potential

  • They lack a strategic plan for personal growth and success


Enjoy your life

Savor the victories, big and small, on your path to mastering ADHD success!


Your potential

Embrace the journey toward unlocking your true potential and step boldly into your success story.


Finding balance

Navigate towards harmony in your daily life, discovering the balance that keeps stress at bay.


Accept change

Embrace the winds of change with an open heart, and step forward into a brighter, transformed future.


"ADHD Learning Pathways has been a game-changer for me. I used to struggle with staying organized and managing my time at work. Now, I'm excelling in my career and personal life. Thank you, ADHD Learning Pathways!"


"He is now earning all A’s and B’s in school, is completing all classwork in class, is completing most homework assignments in class, and best of all, he is retaining the information and able to recall. On top of that, his social skills have greatly improved as well as his physical abilities"


ADHD Success Navigator Assessment

Success hinges on the cycle of input, storage, and retrieval—discover which of the ten critical processes you're struggling with and unlock your path to improvement

ADHD Success Navigator Online programs

Tailored to fit every age with our three distinct options—Basic, Youth, and Adult—each designed to empower minds and transform lives at any stage.

ADHD Success Navigator Coaching

Offers specialized support for families, individuals, and executives, providing tailored strategies for success and transformative empowerment in every aspect of life.

About us

Imagine having a clear path, free from obstacles, where learning flows naturally and knowledge becomes a part of you. We're here to guide you through this journey of discovery and empowerment, helping you to unlock your full potential by pinpointing and overcoming the barriers to your learning. Together, we'll turn challenges into triumphs and dreams into reality."

Our ADHD coaching approach

empowers parents and spouses to learn effective coaching and support techniques for their loved one's struggling with ADHD symptoms, fostering a nurturing environment for growth and understanding.

Strengthen your emotional bond

In our journey together, we'll fortify the foundation of your relationship, transforming challenges into opportunities for deeper connection and understanding, thereby strengthening your emotional bond in profound and lasting ways.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Effective communication is the bedrock of any strong relationship and a critical skill in navigating the complexities of ADHD. We delve deep into the art of listening, expressing needs clearly, and understanding non-verbal cues, ensuring that both partners feel heard, valued, and understood.

Organizational Mastery

ADHD can often bring about challenges in organization and time management. Our coaching offers personalized strategies to declutter not just your physical spaces but your thoughts as well, leading to a more organized life and mind..

Building Executive Functioning

Executive functions are crucial for planning, focus, remembering instructions, and juggling multiple tasks. Through our approach, we enhance these skills, empowering individuals with ADHD to navigate daily tasks and long-term goals more effectively.

Nurturing Self-esteem and Confidence

Living with ADHD can sometimes affect one's self-esteem and confidence. Our coaching nurtures a positive self-image and encourages individuals to recognize their unique strengths and talents, fostering a strong sense of self-worth.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety often accompany ADHD. We equip you with tools and techniques to manage these feelings, promoting a sense of calm and well-being that supports overall mental health.

Improving Focus and Concentration

Enhancing the ability to focus and maintain concentration is vital. Our methods include mindfulness practices, task management strategies, and personalized routines to help sharpen focus and improve productivity.

Encouraging Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Enhancing the ability to focus and maintain concentration is vital. Our methods include mindfulness practices, task management strategies, and personalized routines to help sharpen focus and improve productivity.

Empowering minds

The unseen barriers holding you or your loved one back. It's not just about identifying what's missing; it's about understanding and bridging those gaps...



Harness the power of your ADHD by directing your unique focus, transforming perceived obstacles into unparalleled strengths.



Engage in cross-pattern exercises to stimulate seamless information flow between both brain hemispheres, enhancing cognitive harmony for those with ADHD.


Motor Match

Uncover the intricate connection between ADHD and motor matching, and unlock strategies to synchronize your actions with your thoughts, paving the way for smoother navigation through daily challenges.


Mental Picture

Discover how ADHD shapes your mental pictures, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment to harness the full potential of your imagination.



Explore how ADHD influences your ability to track information, and discover personalized strategies to enhance focus and productivity in daily tasks.


Figure Ground

Unlock insights into how ADHD alters your perception of figure and ground, illuminating paths to navigate life's complexities with clarity and confidence.



Navigate the complexities of ADHD by understanding its influence on your sense of direction, empowering you to chart a course toward clarity and purpose.


Position In Space

Discover the unique ways ADHD affects your sense of position in space, and embark on a journey to find stability and confidence in your surroundings.



Explore how ADHD impacts the size of your challenges, and uncover tailored strategies to navigate them with resilience and determination.



Embrace strategies that help shape your understanding of ADHD, guiding you toward a clearer path to empowerment and self-discovery.


In the brief dance of milliseconds, our minds gracefully sift through billions of bits of information, capturing the essence of what truly resonates with our hearts and shapes our being.

Let's talk

Learning Profile

Effective, affordable programs to improve your life, relationship or marriage.



Explore how ADHD influences visual learning, and uncover personalized strategies to harness the power of visual stimuli for improved focus and comprehension.



Discover the impact of ADHD on auditory learning, and embark on a journey to leverage sound as a tool for enhanced concentration and retention.



Explore how ADHD affects kinesthetic learning, and uncover strategies to embrace movement as a pathway to enhanced focus, engagement, and understanding.

Start With Our ADHD

Success Navigator Assessment

Navigate Your Path: Embrace Understanding and Empowerment with Our ADHD Success Navigator Assessment

ADHD Success Navigator Assessment

Unlock a brighter you with our personal assessment.

Discover subconscious processes and the keys to your potential.

Begin this transformative journey today.


Subconscious Mind:

This exploration can reveal intrinsic patterns and beliefs, facilitating targeted interventions for personal development.

Neurological Processes:

Understanding these processes enables the identification of specific areas for enhancement, allowing for the implementation of precise strategies to bolster cognitive efficiency.

Learning Profiles:

Determining an individual's learning profile is vital for optimizing educational strategies.

Academic Levels:

Assessing current academic levels in reading, spelling, and math provides a benchmark for progress and identifies areas requiring focused intervention.

Automatic Habits:

By understanding and altering these subconscious routines, individuals can more effectively align their actions with their goals, leading to improved outcomes and efficiency in achieving objectives


"Isaac has improved so much in focus/attention, coordination, and writing. I love that the program not only gave my son much-needed skills but also strategies to help deal with the big emotions that come with years of not being able to do what the other kids find easy.”

Libby D

"ADHD Learning Pathway’s program totally changed our child's attitude towards school. It stopped the melt-downs and helped her improve her grades. Most importantly, she enjoyed the process; not the same old reading, writing and matching drills. It was a series of ten "fun" neural processes that strengthened her ability to learn!"


Can ADHD Medications Help with Anxiety?

Can ADHD Medications Help with Anxiety?

Navigating the Intersection of ADHD Medications and Anxiety: A Guide to Empowered Decision-Making When it comes to managing ADHD, medication can be a powerful tool. But for some individuals, concerns... ...more


May 08, 20243 min read

ADHD Choosing Skill Development over Shortcuts for Professional Success

ADHD Choosing Skill Development over Shortcuts for Professional Success

Charting a New Course: Unleashing Your Potential Beyond Substances and Towards Skill Mastery Imagine a career where you soar to new heights, fueled not by fleeting substances but by the unyielding ... ...more


May 08, 20244 min read

ADHD: Unraveling the Genetic Connection

ADHD: Unraveling the Genetic Connection

ADHD ...more


May 08, 20246 min read

ADHD Learning Pathways 2024

All rights reserved

Call 913-608-9343
